All information published on our website is for general information only, and is provided in good faith. does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided here. The information provided on this site should be used at your sole risk. As a user of this website, assumes no responsibility for any loss and/or damage of any kind arising from the use of this website.
You can access other web sites from our website by using links provided to and from this website. However, even though we try to provide links only to worthwhile/useful/ethical websites, we cannot control what kind of website they are. You need to know that links to other web-sites mentioned here do not mean that we endorse all the information on those sites. Webmasters and content may swap and those changes may occur before the link is removed.
Remember that we provide links to other sites, so they have different policies regarding privacy and terms and we are not responsible for them. It is recommended to read the privacy policy and “Terms of Service” of such sites if you plan to do business with them or if you want to upload your data.
This disclaimer informs you that by using our website you are bound by these terms and conditions and this disclaimer.
Whenever there are any changes to these documents, they will be well stated here.
If you require more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please contact us via email: The disclaimer contained herein was created by the Disclaimer Generator Tool.